From 10:30A.M. to 9:00P.M. did I sweep my bedroom because of the Chinese New year's Coming.
My bedroom is so small that I can't believe I do spent so much time.
My brother said that there was a garbage dump when he saw what I cleaned from my bedroom.
Ha...I thought it was what they called "麻雀雖小 五臟俱全".

It was really embarrassed to admit that I am used to sweeping it once a year.
(But I clean the ground once a week.)

I read all letters and notes I have received every time when I put them in order.
This time I found my present personality was the same as the former(it is difficult to be changed);my friends were all lovely and sweet.
I also found the letters, the cards, and some photos from my former boyfriend.Of couse I read them, too.
Proceeded throw it out.Even if he wrote it cute at that time.
Besides those, I saw whatever I wrote unhappy.
The feeling backed when I saw them so I threw them too.

I threw so many things indeed.
But my small bedroom was still filled.
What happened on the world!!!??? hooooo!

Anyway, I did my effort.
Let me showed them up.....


My small room was very small.....low roof and small space...
That was why I feel like to live outside. 


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