During the four days, i got up around 8:30am and went to bed around 12:30am~1:30am.
I found out it was better than I got up at 9:30am and began to study at 10:30am.
I will be more spiritoso at 10:00 if I get up at 8:30am and do something else before.
In a word, i found out my body clock!

In fact, i didn't spend much time on studying, and it just cost me average 5.5 hours a day to study.
But I still felt that my life were filled.

============ my daily schedule ============================

8:30~10:00 --TV show + breakfast//English articles
12:00~14:00--lunch + break
15:30~17:00--English Grammar
17:00~18:00--baby's washing & playing time
19:00~23:00--TV show + surfing internet//English articles + msn
23:00~24:00--washing time + reciting Enlish vocabulary
24:00~01:00--prepare to sleep


It seems like an indolent life style. XD


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