It was a long time i didn't update my album.
I had less patience to post or upload the news.  just like a old man..

well... i want to complain about the picnic holded tomrrow.

not those activities, but the procedure...

to attend it by one's will transfered  that  reporting your reason to our  vice general manager if you wont attend it.
and then  he said  "i wont agree, if the reason is not good enough..."

we...maybe ... i....
i felt so terrible about the claim.
it means i just can do the way......

is it right?

shit about all!

i dont like bbq on such a shining hot hot hot hot day...grill meat or grll me?? 
i dont like bbq in such a far far far  place. i dont like get up so early on SAT. and just to do some shit social stuff.
everything is not my will to do. 

    創作者 cindychao 的頭像


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